Aero Innovative Services

Aero-maritime Drones specialists

Created by experts in complex systems engineering with a strong maritime culture, Aero Innovative Services (AIS) brings innovative solutions to offshore air work missions.

AIS federates operational and engineering skills with a common objective of providing the best possible added value to its customers, particularly in the field of aerial drones and for the benefit of users in the maritime world.

It develops and promotes the applications of aerial drones in many trades and uses related to maritime activities. The services we offer include training, industrial applications, engineering assistance, expertise, testing, certification and navalization while enabling pilots and organizations to improve efficiency, safety and security. and the quality of their drone operations.

AIS is intended to cater to government and commercial clients who need high quality information to support their decision-making processes in critical environments, especially maritime ones. AIS is intended to be a natural extension of satellite services and aerospace with multi-source data collection, processing and dissemination methods designed to support and improve customer operations.

Maritime solutions

AIS’s expertise spans the space, air, marine and submarine domains and relies on robust and reliable platforms with high operational maturity. Capable of associating sensors and subsystems tailored to the needs of its customers with these platforms, as well as merging and analyzing information, its solutions aim to occupy a unique position in the air-land and air-land worlds. aeromaritime, where quality and value meet by combining performance, responsiveness and reliability.

01. Expertise

Specific expertise in knowledge acquisition.

02. Responsiveness

Optimal responsiveness as a guarantee of meeting up with your expectations.

03. Interactivity

Interaction between you and our experts at every step of the way.

04. Trust

Guaranteed trustful relationship between you and our experts.

Multidisciplinary team

A multidisciplinary team able to bring you a unique added value in the fields of:

  • Air-sea tactics
  • Certification and testing
  • Drones and aircraft operations
  • Aero-maritime sensors
  • French and EU regulations
  • Air Traffic (ATM – UTM)

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